April Newsletter!

Good afternoon Deviants! It’s time for your monthly newsletter, with a massive news update, merch update, and events calendar all rolled into one place! We had our monthly leader meeting the morning of April 7th, and a LOT of headway was made that we’d like to clue y’all in about, so let’s get started!


On this site you will now find a flyer for every event we have planned over the next month, into May! Please direct your attention to our events tab, and mark your attendance for anything you intend to show up to via Facebook if you can!


We have finally listed the Deviant x CJCP Auto jet tags on the merch tab! See also the brand new race division roundel stickers! ALSO! We have nailed down a potential source for all of our clothing needs! There will be a Facebook post floating around today, to take a poll on what items we should list on the website first, and in what logo style! Finally, we will be ordering stock for the Ace and Enby pride flag slaps, as well as a new collab design with @jiblxrd on tiktok, so keep a lookout!


Race weekend #1 is this month, from the 20th-21st, you can find the event flyer with the details in our events tab. It will be both in-person AND virtual, so please come check out the Tiktok live to support the team when the time comes!! Follow @deviant.rose for more. ALSO! We would like to give a VERY warm welcome to Mariajose Barrera, owner of Mosé Auto, as our new Endurance Race Team Sponsor! Look forward to future design collabs and events with her and her shop, we intend to work as closely with this business as possible in the future. Thank you for your support Mosé!


As many of you know, the club will be rolling in the Seattle Pride Parade at the end of June! Volunteer marchers are still needed! We will also be asserting our presence in Medford/Ashford OR pride, as well as Denver Pride, and we are looking into Portland and Tacoma! Please reach out if you’d like to get the club into your local pride events as well!


We are working with Jonna Jumisko and Juno Liljekvist on developing the beginnings of a branch of the club out in Sweden, and if any other members who are international want to work with us to do the same in their local areas, please contact us! Thanks again for reaching out y’all.


If you want to help make club events happen in your area, or get us into your local racing scene or any type of community outreach, please don’t hesitate to reach out and work with us!

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